Caerula Mar Club Resort Blog


Located on the Bahamian island of South Andros , Caerula Mar Club is one of the Caribbean’s chicest properties made up of five private villas and 18 breathtaking suites just steps from the shoreline . Hotel highlights include incredible dining options ranging from fine dining to a wood -fired pizza , an ocean front pool deck with spectacular views , a boutique spa and the best part… 10 acres of gorgeous beach where guests are unlikely to spot a single footprint besides their own.

The Deal: 10 % discount on new reservations . Book 4 or more nights for an added $200 resort credit.
Booking Window: November 24th – December 15 , 2023
Travel Window: January February 2024
How to Book: Call 1-800-790-6845 or email [email protected].
To book flights on Makers Air, email [email protected] with promo code CMGUEST or call 1-954-771-0330

Get In Touch With Us Today

Welcome to Caerula Mar.

1-242-369-1515 [email protected] Drigg's Hill, South Andros Island, The Bahamas
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